Impartiality Statement

Impartiality Statement

The mission of the Global Center of Innovate brands is to offer internationally competitive and internationally recognized opportunities for innovating, discovery and inventing to a diverse population of companies in a real-world setting.


“One of our core values and also a key element to our Code of Ethics, is impartiality. It is therefore essential for us to manage any potential conflict of interest to safeguard the impartiality of audit, judging process and survey services rendered.”


Global Center of Innovative Brands, its Directors, Managers, Staff, Auditors, Jury and others involved in the judging of organizations fully understand the importance of impartiality in undertaking its activities.

All personnel, internal and external, and committees of center of innovative brands are required to act impartially. Center of innovative brands jury do not involve itself in any form of consultancy or other activities which might jeopardize impartiality or result in a conflict of interests, nor does it sub-contract to consultancy organizations.

Center of innovative brands will therefore ensure that in its dealings with clients or potential clients, all employees or other personnel involved in audit activities are, and will remain, impartial.

Center of innovative brands will ensure impartiality and conflicts of interests are determined and controlled. Center of innovative brands will identify and risk assess all relationships which may result in a conflict of interest or pose a threat to impartiality. Award will not be provided when a relationship poses an unacceptable threat to impartiality.

Center of innovative brands pro-actively manages any threat to a conflict of interest, actual or perceived, affecting our certification/registration services.

Center of innovative brands continues to evaluate the risks associated with its operations in the world and overseas to ensure it can meet liabilities associated with its judging activities. A comprehensive risk analysis is maintained and reviewed annually.

An impartiality committee has been formed and met three times per year. The judging process and the risk analysis document reviewed and improvements made were applicable.